The Course

Introduction to Affordable Housing Programs

Introduction to Affordable Housing Programs

In this course you'll learn basic history and principles of how the 3 main affordable housing programs in our county work. Neal covers Public Housing, Vouchers, and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit programs.

You Will Learn

Number 1 in affordable housing
How the programs started.

Number 2
Which programs are most valuable today.

Number 3
How each program works.

Think of Intro to Affordable Housing Programs as the pre-req to any affordable housing conference, job, webinar or conversation you'll participate in within this industry.

Why? Because every course and conference we've ever attended starts out with an assumption that people already understand the concepts you'll learn in our course—and that just isn't usually the case.

We've heard feedback from people who have worked in affordable housing for years saying, "I did not understand how that concept works. I finally get it!"

Whether you're interested in the course for yourself, your board, or your entire team—we know everyone will benefit.

Start the Course Today
Neal Rackleff Photo

Meet Neal Rackleff

Neal's time spent as HUD Assistant Secretary, Housing Director of the City of Houston, partner at one of the premiere affordable housing law firms in the country, and now founder of his own firm all help inform the concepts you'll learn in Intro to Affordable Housing Programs.